Instrumentation available at FABI
- Waters Acquity UPLC I class system coupled to Xevo G2 Q-TOF mass spectrometer
HPLC/UHPLC instruments
- Shimadzu gradient ultrafast liquid chromatography (UFLC) system with PDA detection
- Merck-Hitachi Lachrom Elite gradient HPLC system with PDA detection and circular dichroism detection (Jasco)
- Merck-Hitachi Lachrom gradient HPLC system with UV detection
SFC instruments
- UPC² (Waters): Supercritical fluid chromatography system with PDA detection
Capillary electrophoresis/Capillary electrochromatography
- Capillary electrophoresis Agilent HP3DCE system with PDA detection
- Two Capillary electrophoresis Beckman P/ACE MDQ systems with PDA detection (one also with LIF detection)
- Shimadzu UV-2101PC UV/Vis spectrophotometer
- Ecocell 111 liter incubator
- Sartorius Arium Pro UV ultrapure water system
- Haskel DSHF-302-S High pressure liquid pump
- Capillary burner EK 1.2, Capital HPLC
- Harrick Plasma cleaner/sterilizer
Recent projects
Our most recent projects can be found on the VUB Research portal.
- Chiral Separations, Monolithic stationary phases, Miniaturized separation techniques, Capillary Electrochromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Capillary Electrophoresis, Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Experimental design, Metabolomics, Skin permeability modelling (Debby Mangelings)
- Method development and optimisation; Method validation (robustness testing); Separation techniques (e.g. HPLC, CE, CEC); Chemometrics in separation science, QSAR, QSRR and QSSR; Herbal fingerprints, Drug-impurity profiling, Chiral separations, Metabolomics (Yvan Vander Heyden)
- Neuropeptides, Miniaturized UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS (Jana Bongaerts)
- SFC and LC coupled with circular dichroism (CD) detector, Molecular Dynamics and Quantitative Structure Enantioselective Retention Relationship (QSERR) models (Pieter De Gauquier)
- Computation and Medicinal Chemistry: Developing methods for Computer-Aided Drug Design (Jordy Peeters)
- Novel sample preconcentration strategies, Targeted metabolic profiling, LC-MS/MS (Phaedra Verding)
- Quantitative Structure Enantioselective Relationship (QSER) models, Computational Fragment-Based Drug Design, SFC, RPLC (Fardine Ameli)